
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Heavy Hitters Canberra Gypsy Tour

Day 1. We left for Canberra at 7:00 in the morning on Thursday and I drove down with Black Josh while Brad went with Dan. Josh was coming for the Summernats and planned to stay the first night and then drive home Friday night. We got to Canberra at lunch time and set up our shitty tent and then went to Belco Skatepark to ride, and it was amazing. We got a bit of riding in until Dan's headset blew out because his steerer was bent, so we headed to Backbone Bmx for a new headset and forks. The guys at Backbone were awesome, and we were half way to Woden skatepark when the worst thing could have happened. Josh's head gasket blew. His car was completely fucked and we had to get it towed to the nearest servo. By the time everything was sorted out it was too late for any more riding so we went to tent.

Day 2. Summernats saw heaps of Burnouts and an overall sick day. We also got to see Drapht live which added to the stoked-ness.

Day 3. Josh gone, Dan, Brad and I went to Woden. This park was amazing as well, and then we rode Belcon again with the Backbone guys. These dudes have the sickest attitude towards bmx and I had one of the best rides in my life with them.

Day 4. We woke to the depressing sound of rain. After managing to pack all our shit up, we went to Golbourn skatepark and managed to get a ride in for a bit, however it soon followed us, and so it was time to head home.

The times like these really cant be described using words. The only way to experience something like this is by going out and getting lost, not making plans and just having fun the whole time, because these are the things you will remember the most.

Wildman Oneclip

Oneclip shot near Harrington park

Monday, October 3, 2011

Ch-ch-check it out

So while your not up to anything, check out  TheTeeProject.

Ran by a nice dude, supporting the scene with heaps of videos including Heavy Hitters clips. There is also a sweet as collection of shirts for sale. Definately worth checking out!

The Tee Project

Friday, September 30, 2011

Weekend Photos.

Take some time to scroll through these pics. Few bangers in there!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

New photo viewer.

Here are a few photos me and Baiden took today while riding Kirkham on a Wednesday afternoon.
Also, Ive updated the photo viewer, and it will operate like a slide show. Use the buttons to control the photos and click to bring up the original image.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Jamie's home made ramp

Jamie built this ramp himself, and its amazing to ride. Here is a few photos on a chilled Sunday afternoon.
Click to enlarge any picture.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Photo dump.

A bunch of photos taken at Kirkham skatepark on the weekend. Theres a few bangers in there!

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Me - Feeble to 180 over a cone 

Wildman - Bars the small box.
Just a few sequences Dan and I shot at Kirkham facility on the weekend.